Monday, May 14, 2007

Busy Week

This past week was a busy one. Sunday was Jesse and Isabelle's piano recital at school. They both did a wonderful job! Monday I watched Audrey one of my friend Jennifer's little girls. Tuesday it rained so we stayed home. That night Jesse and Isabelle had awards night at school. They both received awards in lots of subjects. Jesse was also awarded the Christian Character award for his classroom. Isabelle received the Christian Character award for the lower elementary grades! We are very proud. On Wednesday I watched Nate, my friend Andrea's little boy. He is two weeks older than the twins. We had lots of fun! Thursday I went with Isabelle's class on a field trip. They were just going to the park so I took Courtney, Sarah and Seth along. We had lots of fun. Friday I spent cleaning and getting ready for Saturday. Tim's parents celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday. We had a wonderful party for them. Tim's sisters worked really hard to make it very special. I have posted pictures on the kids blog spots and lots of photos in our photo albums!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Rodeo Roundup

A couple of Saturdays ago I took the kids to a country church who was hosting a Kids Rodeo. We had so much fun. The weather was perfect, and everyone was so nice. They had cow patty throwing contest, stick horse racing, cow milking contest, a petting zoo, a moonwalk, and lots of carnival type games. All of the pictures are in our Photo Album!