OK, I will admit I am not the perfect mother. I spend my fair share of time, not doing anything productive. I probably yell a little to much, and I am sure the kids watch to many videos( how do you think I get this blog thing done?). Well, one Friday the kids were out of school and we had not done much more than clean, fold laundry, the usual stuff. I decided we should spend some quality time together in the kitchen. We have pizza a lot on Fridays and we had the stuff to make our own, so " fun in the kitchen" begins! Jesse was not to interested but Belle, and Courtney loved rolling out their own dough, spreading on the sauce and loading the pizza up with meat and cheese! I was feeling good, thinking "I am a good mother", the girls and I are bonding - wait a minute where are the twins- I had heard them earlier playing together, giggling, talking, just being the angels that they are, but I had not checked on them not wanting to disrupt the state of bliss in our home. -Wait a minute, was that water I just heard- It was water,splashing water and laughing, this can not be good. Well,I found my two little cherubs flushing wet wipes down the toliet and laughing at the water running all over the floor. OK, remember I am up for "mother of the year", so I calmly grab my camera take a few pictures then put them in timeout! After cleaning up the flood in the bathroom and changing their clothes, I went back to check on the pizza. No sooner had I entered the kitchen when I heard the piano keys and more of that suspicious laughing. The little devils ( yes I am calling them devils now) had colored all over the piano keys with a red crayon! This time I was not so patient. They were put back in timeout ( professionals say 1 min. per childs age, they have never met my two!) for five long minutes. The bliss was over but I did get some cute photos and at least I have a story to tell, right. Keep me in your prayers! You can view all of the pictures from this event by clicking on" Our Photo Albums."