In Kansas City there is a Toy and Miniature Museum. I had never been there before, but I have always heard it was worth a visit. This summer the museum has been advertising an American Girl Doll display. Several of my friends and I took our daughters out to lunch and then to the museum one Sunday afternoon after church. We ate at a local favorite, Winsteads. It is a soda fountain type diner. We treated the girls to Skyscraper shakes for dessert! They were just amazed when the shakes were set in front of them! (see photo) After lunch we headed to the museum. The American Girl display really wasn't much but the girls loved the museum anyway. They had tons of huge dollhouses. All of the girls ran from house to house exclaiming " This is my dream house". It was really cute. We had so much fun I can't wait for our next Mom and Daughter outing.