Friday, July 25, 2008

God's grace

I got up early this morning to a dark rainy sky. I settled down with my coffee at the computer, to catch up with what's going on. I had no idea what God had in store for me. A friend had shared this blog with me a few days ago. The author is a mom who homeschools her children and they live in Canada. I began to read through a recent post and the author's words stung my ears and my heart. I do hope you have time to read her post and her thoughts on grace. I was very moved by what she had to say! Click on the title "God's grace" to read her post.

Our week so far!

We have had a busy week so far and it is not even over! Jesse and Isabelle have been attending a basketball camp in Harrisonville. They are sore each morning but are eager to go back each evening! At the same time Courtney, Sarah and Seth have been attending a VBS. They are having a lot of fun! I have had alone time each evening from 6-9pm and go figure I haven't had much to do! I did pick blackberries at a friend's house one night. The next evening I went to dinner with my two best friends! After that I have been coming home and cleaning, laundry and such! I guess I lead a pretty dull life. Tim has been working in the evenings helping all of our friends remodel their homes. I guess they are all spending their tax rebate checks? They are keeping him very busy!

On Tuesday I took the kids out for breakfast. We actually had a free dozen donuts coupon that Jesse had won on his birthday (April). It was going to expire soon, so it was actually his treat! We got our donuts and took them to the park. I won some serious "Mom you are so cool" points! We even had chocolate milk! I stepped way out of the box!

On Thursday I took Courtney and her friend Alex out to lunch at Courtney's favorite restaurant "Mi Mi's Cafe". Courtney's birthday was last week and I like to take the kids out by themselves if I can. This time we took a friend along and it was a lot of fun! There are new pictures in our photo album so take a look!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our Day

I thought I would share about our busy day, today. We started out around 7:15am and headed for our favorite u-pick blueberry patch. For those of you who know us well, you know we do this every year. We love blueberries and they are so good for you. Usually we take along our book Blueberries for Sal and read it, ( one of the kids, not me, I am driving) on the way. Somehow I forgot this year so, I will probably read it before bed tonight. Anyway, we headed out and had such a good time with some good friends picking bluberries. We picked 40 lbs.! Our freezer should be happy! So will our tummies. We love blueberry pancakes, muffins, banana blueberry bread, and blueberry scones! I can't wait to get started.

Our next adventure today was to the water park Adventure Oasis. We once again were joined by some good friends. We all enjoyed the water slides, water falls, lazy river, and just being together! I have put pictures of our day in our photo albums. You can click on the link photo album to see them!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Back to blogging

It has been so long since I have posted on my blog I can't even begin to try to catch up. We now have high speed Internet. So I probably will be keeping this up a little better. We are all doing great. We just returned from a trip to Texas. We saw a lot of family. We had a really good time.
Summer is definitely in full swing. The kids swim just about every day. Tim traveled to Washington D.C. for work and that was a new but good experience for him. I am just busy mothering, and managing our house. It keeps me fairly busy. I still like to scrapbook when I can. I have also tried to read a little more just for fun. I am finding that my taste for the mystery/ thriller has grown! Anyway I guess that's all for now! More coming soon.